My name is Romie, I was born is Los Angeles, CA. My first memories where in a city called Pacoima, CA in the San Fernando Valley. I smoked weed for the first time with my father at the age of 16. It really had my attention. Then I was gangbanging and partying. At the age of 18, I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. By the age of 19, I started smoking crack and the years that followed took me to the ugliest places. At the age of 25 I went to jail for the first time, since then I have been in and out of being incarcerated, this was my comfort zone. In the few times of freedom, I was sent to multiple rehabs that planted seeds but I never paid attention to the spiritual programs. It was not long ago that I found peace but then I had to learn how to keep it. I surrendered, believing in the program and my sponsor to guide me through it. I still make mistakes but more importantly, I have hope and purpose. I do not practice for perfection I do for better. Learning my lessons along the way and doing my best to stay in Gods will. I am most grateful for the places and the people that believed in me when I did not, because it brought me hope. I had nothing; I was homeless, addicted and broken with nothing to offer. Today I have hope, purpose, self-love, faith, honesty, acceptance and a future. I am of service by giving back what I was given. I have learned construction, concrete, painting, and landscaping, electrical, maintenance and use these traits will New Road Recovery Services. I have been discharged of my parole and I am planning to enroll in school. I have set some short-term goals; continue practicing spiritual principles and not picking up and I pray that I get to meet my grandkids in person. Some long term goals are, finding my carrier, buying a house and a car.

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